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Ultra-high-temperature (UHT) pasteurization of milk or cream in a flow
Ultra-high-temperature (UHT) pasteurization end coolling of milk or cream in a flow.
* The capacity can be set by the Customer arbitrarily
The preheated product from the recovery section through the homogenizer and deodorizer enters the pasteurization section, after which it is fed into a 30-second holding. After holding, the product enters the second recuperation section, introduced into the installation in order to reduce the cost of thermal energy, then enters the ultra-pasteurization section, in which it is heated to a temperature of 140° C with a holding time of 4 seconds, after which it follows through pre-cooling in the recuperation sections for cooling until 20° C. The coolant circulates in a closed loop through a special system for its preparation using process steam. Temperature control of product processing and station washing is carried out in automatic mode.
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